Get the edge over the poachers by letting your rangers and IOs see at night.
The night vision equipment can be used for different operational purposes such as observation or patrol and can come with a magnification of X6
Providing you a better way to combat poachers and other threats is our expertise. Advanced weapons are used today all over the world in border control, militaries and security companies. It gives the one who holds them a better chance at overcoming his oponent during an encounter.
SMT is a provider of several weapon industries in Israel and the rest of the world, with many years of supply and training experience.
From bullet proof vests for dangerous operations to every day webbings and light vests, we can porvide with some of the best combat gear in the world.
The equipment is manufactured in israel and is developed for and used by the IDF. Field proven
Intelligence equipment for undercover IOs is very important for several reasons: Acquiring evidence, Documentation, preliminary intelligence and more.
SMT provide all sorts of high quality undercover eqipment such as hidden cameras that can be inserted into anything, hidden cameras on pens, hats, watches and more.
Whether it is a red dot sight that has no magnification or a sniper sight that see to 800 meters, we can provise it and help you teach your rangers use and master them.
Advanced weapon sights are a must these days, trimming the reaction time of their user to the minimum while improving his hit ratio dramaticaly.